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Grewelthorpe Church of England Primary School

'I have come that they may have life and have it to the full'. (John 10:10)

Grewelthorpe CE Primary School is located in the village of Grewelthorpe which is approximately 5 miles to the north west of the City of Ripon. The school has been in the village for many years and has strong and close relationships with the local church and community.

The school is part of a three-school partnership with Fountains CE Primary based in Grantley village and North Stainley CE Primary based in the village of North Stainley. The schools have an Executive Head, Mr Chris Parkhouse and a shared local academy council, made up of parents, staff, foundation governors, including the incumbents of the local churches, and community governors, co-chaired by Mrs Rachel Bain and Mr Nathaniel Potts.

The curriculum is bespoke to the school meeting the specific needs of the children within its four classes. All Grewelthorpe children have their own class teacher and to ensure high quality teaching across all curriculum subjects there is a sharing of teaching expertise and specialism across the three schools.

Name:  Grewelthorpe CE Primary School

Head:  Mr C Parkhouse

Co-Chair of Governors: Rachel Bain and Nathaniel Potts

Date of Joining: 1st September 2022

 School type:  Primary (3-11)

Local Authority:  North Yorkshire

Address: Grewelthorpe C of E Primary School, Cross Hills,

Grewelthorpe, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 3BH

Contact number: 01765 658287

Key Contacts:  Janet or Rebecca

Contact email address:


Supplemental Funding Agreement: Grewelthorpe SFA

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